Guy Randall

Guy brings a unique perspective from the world of DevOps and guides us through some of his favourite topics. Bricks, FPS, coding, DevOps and much more.

Guy in Home Office
GWeeble in Home Office

Gweeble as he is also known on PSN and other social media – has been fascinated by computers and video games since he was a small boy. He failed to get into the computer programming revolution in the 80’s, being that coding (at the time) was less rewarding than Lego. The 90’s came along and with a growing interest in graphic design he found a computer he could understand, the Mac. Since the 00’s he has been making up for it learning PHP, javascript, Python, Shell and is now trying to understand Home Automation with a Raspberry Pi. He has now been using all forms of computers since that time and has worked on almost every version of macOS, Windows (Windows Server too) and Linux, aside from brief spells playing with BBC micro, Atari XE, ST and Amiga’s.

Bruno asleep in his basket
Bruno asleep in his basket

Guy has a spaniel called Bruno and a wife who tolerates his geeky pursuits. He most often can be found in his den of creativity (his man cave) surrounded by Lego and various half finished projects he’s working on. He’s non-practising when it comes to religion, but believes everybody should get on and stop squablling over petty ideals, and politically thinks the world would be better off with less extreme viewpoints from those in high office.

His glass is normally half-full.

Photo of author -
Authored with care by Guy Randall

Gweeble brings a unique perspective from the world of DevOps and guides us through some of his favourite topics. Bricks, FPS, coding, DevOps and much more. He has been fascinated by computers and video games since he was a small boy.

See my other 2 posts

Guy Randall Home Office Picture
Guy Randall Home Office Picture

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  • David Randall is coming soon
  • Tom Randall Articles: 22